
November 27, 2002

So, the Dems are up in arms about the big Republican wins in the House and Senate. They'd been talking for weeks, both the pundits and the average Joe via the Letters to the Editor, about how the only way to maintain sanity was if the Democrats comtrolled Congress.

Too bad they forgot that you have to actually vote to make things like that happen.

Of course the problem is, as always, self-correcting. Bush and Co. will be able to ram just about anything they want through Congress. And people are going to take notice when nation-building in Afghanistan (and possibly Iraq) falls through, when the economy does a whole lot of nothing, and when ANWR turns out to be an expensive and useless boondoggle. Basically, unless they're really lucky, they'll all be out of a job come '04.

Then the Dems will have a chance to foul things up for a while. The the Republicans, then the Democrats, then the....

November 26, 2002November 28, 2002