March 15, 2005
OK, here's how things seem to be headed as of Saturday afternoon.
Saturday, 3/12
Return to Pittsburgh.
Unpack, re-pack for week.
Sunday, 3/13
Return to DC area, crash for evening.
Monday, 3/14
Begin work at Lock Media.
Week of 3/14
Find apartment. Fair Lakes was mentioned as a good jumping-off point to get to Arlington and Manassas Park (3/14: Centreville).
Try to get a lease to start on 3/28 (got the 29th).
Saturday, 3/19
Return to Pittsburgh again.
Week of 3/21
Advertise apartment in Post-Gazette and (3/17: PG is ready for the weekend; 3/19: c.m.m.a is done).
Pack everything.
Find movers or get a U-Haul (3/17: Not as expensive as I was afraid it'd be).
Monday, 3/28
Pick up U-Haul.
Tuesday, 3/29
Leave Pittsburgh for good, move into new apartment.
Nothing to it, right?
The next two weeks will be brought to you by adrenaline and the letters C8H10N4O2.
Edit, 3/14: Checked a few things off and finalized some of the dates at the end.
Edit, 3/17: Knocked a couple more things off the list.
Edit, 3/19: Back in the 'Burgh, so one more checkbox goes bye-bye.