November 22, 2010
On April 2nd of next year, this blog will turn 10 years old. It started off as an exercise; I was (and still am) a horrible writer and I wanted to get daily practice at it. Anything has to be an improvement, right?
It took me a while to hit my stride, but for a good while I was posting six times a week. Now, I'm lucky to post once a month. Oops? Turns out my life is pretty boring.
But I got to thinking: This site is old. In one form or another it dates to my freshman year, late 1994. The current incarnation went online at Blue Gravity in 2001, and the current design has been kicking around since 2004. In 2004 the big web browsers were IE6 and Mozilla 1.7 -- and that's being polite to the Mozilla Suite, since IE's market share was over 90%. Firefox 1.0 was released about a week after version 7 of the site launched. Yeah, it's been a while.
The last mockup for version 8.0 that I posted was from May of 2008. I still like most of that one, but the calendar needs to be toned down a bit. I may go with a so-called mega-menu for the calendar instead of using up real estate on the side. And since that would then become part of the navigation I can squirrel it away at the end of the HTML instead of having it come first like it does now.
(And looking at the calendar back then, I still anticipated returning to a four-a-week schedule. How optimistic of me, seeing as how I was averaging one every other week at the time.)
So I'm thinking that I need to start putting together the new site, to have it ready for its own tenth anniversary. I mean, you gotta dress up nice for the round-numbered ones, right?